The main language in chat will be English or Dutch
There aren't any rules for the size of a team
The use of cheats or hacks are not allowed on this server (steam check)
There are absolutely NO exceptions to these rules. The answer will always be no so do not ask.
Racism & Bigotry
We have absolutely zero tolerance for any form of racism or bigotry. You can do whatever you like in your day to day lives, but it will not be tolerated on our servers.
Don't type it, don't write/draw on a sign, and don't say it in voice chat. Admins spectate constantly and if we see it, you will be banned.
Very rarely do we warn. By playing on our servers you are consenting to our rules and understand the consequences for not following them.
Disrespecting Staff & Players
This is an online game and there will ALWAYS be trash talk going on. We get it. However, that doesn't mean you get to leave all of your morals at the door. Use common sense and do not go after other players or admins with personal attacks. You will be removed.
If your friend broke the rules and was punished for it, don't try to argue with an admin about our decision. Go find a new server and accept the consequences for your actions.
Be a decent human being. I know this is Rust, but there is no need to be an all around shitty person.